Turan Öztürk was born in Kizilcaören, a small village in Divrigi area in east central Anatolia, Turkey. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from Middle East Technical and Istanbul Technical Universities, respectively.
He completed his Ph.D. study at the University of East Anglia as a Turkish Government scholarship holder under the supervision of Professor A. McKillop on the synthesis of amphimedine alkaloid in 1990. He was then moved to the University of Kent at Canterbury to join Dr. John D. Wallis’ group as a postdoctoral fellow (1991 – 1994), financed by SERC Molecular Electronics Committee and 21st Century Material Initiative, and visiting research fellow (1995), where he worked on the synthesis of new bis(etylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene (BEDT-TTF) type organic superconductors and developed a new method for the synthesis of fused 1,4-dithiin and thiophene rings from 1,8-diketones using Lawesson’s Reagent and P4S10.
Academic Career
Professor, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
Associate Professor, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
PhD. in Organic Chemistry with Prof. A. McKillop. University of East Anglia, School of Chemical Sciences, Norwich NR4 7TJ, England.
Title of Thesis:”Synthetic Studies on Cytotoxic Alkaloids”
Financial Source:”Turkish Government Scholarship”
During the course of PhD study, a short new route to the pyrido[2,3,4-kl]acridine ring system, the main skeleton of cytotoxic marine alkaloids such as amphimedine, calliactine, cystodytins, petrosamine, diplamine, norsegoline, kuanoniamine, etc. was developed involving two key steps (i) synthesis of 5-acetamido-3,4-dihydro-8-methoxy-4-phenylquinoline-2(1H)-one via cyclization of N-(5-acetamido-2-methoxyphenyl)-3-hydroxy-3-phenylpropanamide and (ii) an intramolecular nitrene insertion reaction of the nitrenes derived from 4-phenyl-5-azidoquinolines.
MSc. in Organic Chemistry. Istanbul Technical University, Chemistry Department, Organic Chemistry, Istanbul, Turkey.
Title of Thesis:”Modification of Cyclohexanone Formaldehyde Resin”.
BSc. in Chemistry, Middle East Technical University, Chemistry Department, Ankara, Turkey.
Sept. 2003- Today
Professor, Istanbul Technical University, Art and Science Faculty, Chemistry Department, Organic Chemistry, Istanbul, Turkey
April-2003-Sept. 2003
Lecturer, Middle East Technical University, Art and Science Faculty, Chemistry Department, Organic Chemistry, Ankara, Turkey
April 1996-June 2002
Head of Organic Technologies Division, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey-Marmara Research Centre, Chemistry Department, Gebze-Kocaeli, Turkey.
During my employment at Marmara Research Centre, I directed a PhD and two MSc studies. The PhD study and one of the MSc studies were on the synthesis of new BEDT-TTF analogues, employing 1,8-diketone ring closure reaction, and the other MSc study was, in cooperation with Kiev Shevcheuko University, Ukraine, on “Design and Synthesis of New Florescence Probes based on 3-Hydroxyflavones”. My other duties involved various analyses and industries’ problem-solving, particularly pharmaceutical industries.
April 1994- March 1996
Visiting Research Fellow, University of Kent at Canterbury, Chemical Laboratory, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NH, England.
During the course of my visiting research fellowship, I wrote a chapter for The Alkaloids entitled “Alkaloids Containing Quinolinequinone and Quinolinequinoneimine Units”, The Alkaloids, Ed. Cordell, Academic Press, San Diego, 1997, Vol. 49, Chapter 2, page 79-219. (A second chapter entitled “Alkaloids Containing An Isoquinolinequinone Unit” for the same series has been published recently, The Alkaloids, Ed. Cordell, Academic Presss, San Diego, 2000, 119-238). I also carried out my own projects. One of them resulted in the development of a new reaction of Lawesson’s Reagent with 1,8-diketones, Tetrahedron Lett. 1996, 37, 2821.
During the postdoctoral posts, I gave assistance to the PhD students and supervised undergraduate project students.
April 1991- April 1994
Research Fellow with Dr J. D. Wallis, University of Kent at Canterbury, Chemical Laboratory, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NH, England.
Title of the Study: “The Synthesis and Properties of New Organic Superconductors”.
Financial Source: The SERC Molecular Electronics Committee and 21st Century Materials Initiative, England.
The purpose of the study was to develop new crystalline organic substances which superconduct at significantly higher temperatures than the currently known organic superconductors (i.e.>12.8 K). The best materials to date are radical cation salts of bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene (‘BEDT-TTF’ or ‘ET’). The aim of the research was to make derivatives of ET (or similar heterocyclic systems) with functional groups on ethylene bridges which can hydrogen bond or make other attractive interactions with the anions in the salt. Important parts of the study involved the introduction of the desired chirality on the ethylene bridges, and either self or cross-coupling of the asymmetric ketones or thiones.
Research Assistant, Demonstrator, Istanbul Technical University, Chemistry Dep. Organic Chemistry, Maslak Istanbul, Turkey
Scholarships and Awards
1975-1977 Turkish Maritime Scholarship for High School Education
1987-1990 Turkish Government Scholarship for PhD, Univ. of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
1991-1994 Postdoctoral Fellowship, 21st Century Material Initiative, Univ. of Kent, Canterbury, UK
1994-1996 Visiting Research Fellowship, Univ. of Kent, Canterbury, UK
1997 British Council Research Fellowship, Univ. of Kent, Canterbury, UK
1997-1999 NATO Research Fellowship, Univ. of Kent, Canterbury, UK
1999 Honorary Lecturer, Univ. of Kent, Canterbury, UK
2000-2001 Senior Research Fellow, University of Waterloo, Canada
2005 Visiting Professor, Royal Society of Chemistry, Univ. of Durham, UK
2022 Istanbul Technical University, the Best Performance Award/İTÜ En İyi Performans Ödülü
2023 Istanbul Technical University (ITU), the Best Performance and Publications Awards (En İyi Performans ve Yayınlar Ödülleri)
2024 Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Basic Sciences Award/İTÜ Temel Bilimler Ödülü
2024 Istanbul Technical University (ITU), the Best Performance and Publications Awards (En İyi Performans ve Yayınlar Ödülleri)
2024 ITU the best PhD award (Dr. Recep İşçi)/İTÜ En iyi doktora ödülü (Dr. Recep İşçi)
2024 Turkish Academy of Sciences, the best PhD award (Dr. Recep İşçi)/TÜBA en iyi doktora ödülü (Dr. Recep İşçi)
Member of Editorial Board
ChemistrySelect (www.chemistryselect.org), (if=2.30)
Journal of Sulfur Chemistry (http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/gsrp20#.VngyArZ97q4), (if=2.68)
Turkish Journal of Chemistry (http://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/chem/index.htm), (if=1.24)
Organic Communications, ACG Publications https://www.acgpubs.org/journal/organic-communications (if=0.64)
Associate Editor: Frontiers Energy Materials https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/materials/sections/energy-materials/editors
Member of International Committee: “International Symposium on the Organic Chemistry” (ISOCS-28; http://isocs-28.main.jp)
Advanced Science (if=17.52); Angewandte Chemie (if=16.82); J. Am. Chem. Soc. (if=15.4); Chemical Engineering Journal (if=15.1); ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (10.38); Materials Today Chemistry (if=8.3); Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (if=8.12); J Mater. Chem. C (if=8.00); Catalysis today (if=6.76); Chem. Commun. (if=6.22); Catalyst Science and Technology (if=6.12); Organic Letters (if=6.0); Macromolecules (if=5.98); Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis (if=5.83); Polymer Chemistry (if=5.58); Bioorganic chemistry (if=5.27); Chemistry – A European Journal (if=5.23); Materials Chemistry and Physics (if=4.77); J. Organic Chemistry (if=4.19); Molecules (if=4.92); Dyes and Pigments (if=4.88; Applied Organomet. Chem. (if=4.1); J. Natural Products (if=4.01); Langmuir (if=3.88); New J. Chem. (if=3.59); J photochemistry and photobiology (if=3.42); Asian J. Org. Chem (if=3.31); J Porous Materials (if=2.49);Tetrahedron Letters (if=2.41); Tetrahedron (if=2.45); Synlett; J. Heterocyclic Chem.; Current Organic Synthesis (if=1.97); Letters in Organic Chemistry (if=0.86); Polymer International (if=2.99); Polymer Bulletin (if=2.87); Turkish Journal of Chemistry (if=1.24); Arcivoc (if=1.14); J. Sulfur Chemistry; Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements; Designed Monomers and Polymers (if=2.65); Chemistry Select (if=2.30); Synthetic Metals (if=3.26).
Research of Interest
Research interests focused on the development of new organic materials having electronic and optical properties, containing tetrathiafulvalene (TTF), dithienothiophene (DTT), thienothiophene (TT), ethylenedioxythiophene (EDOT), as well as development of new organic reactions particularly the new reactions of Lawesson’s reagent and P4S10. Design and syntheses of fluorescent probes, containing 3-hydroxyflavone.
1- NATO Research Project, Univ. of Kent, Canterbury, Principal Investigator, UK, 1997-1999
2- TBAG-2156(102T056), TÜBİTAK Project (25 milyar), Principal Investigator, 2001-2004.
3- TBAG-2378 (103T122), TÜBİTAK Project (26.5 milyar), Principal Investigator, 2002-2004.
4- İTÜ Science Research Project (40 milyar), Principal Investigator, 2004-2006.
5- TBAG-2470 (104T081), TÜBİTAK Project (35 milyar), Researcher, 2004-2006.
6- TÜBİTAK-UME Akaryakıt Marker Projesi, Advisor, 2004- cont.
7- İTÜ-Durham University, Royal Society, Principal Investigator, 2005.
8- Yıldız Üniversitesi, DPT Şemsiye Projesi, İTÜ Principal Investigator, 2004-2006.
9- İTÜ-TÜBİTAK MAM GIDA, TÜBİTAK TBAG 1001, Researcher, 2007-2009
10- İTÜ-TÜBİTAK MAM GIDA, TÜBİTAK 1007, Researcher, 2008-2010.
11- “Fosfor ve Sülfür İçeren Heterosiklik Ünitelere Sahip Çok Yönlü Pi-Konjuge Materyallerin Sentezleri ve Elektronik ve Optoelektronik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”, TÜBİTAK-France (CNRS) 108T941, (120.000 TL), Principal Investigator, 2009-May 2011
12- “Elektronik, Optoelektronik ve Sensör Uygulamaları için Donör (DTT)-Akseptöe (Bor) (D-A) İçeren Yeni Organik Materyallerin Sentezleri ve Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi”, Principal Investigator, (137.500.-TL) TÜBİTAK-TBAG, 111T075, 2011-2013
13- “Birleşik Tiyofen Temelli Bileşiklerin Click Reaksiyonu ile Polimerleştirilmesi, Elektronik ve Optoelektronik Özelliklerinin Araştırılmasi ve Uygulamaları”, Principal Investigator, 113Z591, 30.000.- (Hızlı Destek), 01-12-2013-01-12-2014
14- “HNIW Malzemesinin Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu”, Principal Investigator, Santez 01232.STZ.2012-1 (637.000.-TL)
15- “Topaklanmaya Bağlı Işıma (Aggregation Induced Emission) Uygulanarak Tiyenotiyofen, Ditiyenotiyofen ve Bor İçeren Organik Işık Yayan Materyallerin Hazırlanması”, Director, 175.000.- TL, TÜBİTAK, 114Z202, 01.10.2014-01.10.2016
16- “Organic solar cells incorporating small molecule donors and polymeric acceptors”, Principal Investigator, Turkey (TÜBİTAK)-UK (British Council), 214Z297, 232.800.-TL, 15.07.2015-15.07.2017
17- “Near-IR solar cells for greenhouse applications”, Principal Investigator, Turkey (TÜBİTAK)-UK (British Council), 216Z125, 345.108.-TL, 2017-2020
18- “Concise synthesis of mono-alkylated thieno[3,2-b]thiophenes”, Principal Investigator, TUBITAK, (28.000.-TL), 1-3-2018-30-11-2018
19- “Perovskite Güneş Hücreleri ve Kapasitör Uygulamaları İçin Tiyenotiyofen Ve Ditiyenotiyofen Türevi P-Tipi Organik Yarıiletkenler”, TÜBİTAK, 122Z568, 2022-2024, 720.000.-TL
Leisure Time Activities
My leisure time activity is concerned principally with photography, reading, jogging and listening to music.
1– “Dithienothiophenes”, T. Ozturk, E. Ertas, O. Mert, Tetrahedron, (review article), 2005, 61, 11055-11077.
2– “Use of Lawesson Reagent in Organic Syntheses”, T. Ozturk, E. Ertas, O. Mert, Chemical Review, 2007, 107, 5210-5278.
3– “A Berzelius Reagent; P4S10 in Organic Syntheses”, T. Ozturk, E. Ertas, O. Mert, Chemical Reviews, 2010, 110, 3419–3478.
4– “Thienothiophenes, Dithienothiophenes, and Thienoacenes: Syntheses, Oligomers, Polymers, and Properties” Mehmet Emin Cinar and Turan Ozturk, Chem. Rev., 2015, 115, 3036 – 3140
5– “Bis(vinylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene analogues of BEDT-TTF”, E. Ertas, İ. Demirtas, T. Ozturk, Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2015, 11, 403–415
6– “Fused thiophenes: an overview of the computational investigations”, F. Dikcal, T. Ozturk, M. E. Cinar, Org. Commun. 2017, 10, 56-71.
7- “Triarylborane Based Materials for OLED Applications”, Gulsen Turkoglu,M. Emin Cinar, Turan Ozturk, Molecules, 2017, 22, 1522.
8- “Recent Advances on 3-Hydroxyflavone Derivatives: Structures and Properties”, Burcu Butun, Gulacti Topcu, Turan Ozturk, Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, 18(2), 98-103 DOI : 10.2174/1389557517666170425102827
9- “Recent developments in the synthesis of regioregular thiophene-based conjugated polymers for electronic and optoelectronic applications using nickel and palladium-based catalytic systems”, Bibi Amna, Humaira Masood Siddiqi, Abbas Hassan and Turan Ozturk, RSC Advances, 2020, 10, 4322.
10- “Click chemistry: a fascinating method of connecting organic groups”, Bibi Amna, Turan Ozturk, Org. Commun., 2021, 14, 97-120.
11- “Pd/Cu-catalyzed sonogashira cross-coupling polycondensation: A promising approach for synthesizing conjugated polymers with useful applications”, Bibi Amna, Ayse Ates, Turan Ozturk, European Polymer Journal, 2023, 196, 112275
1 – “Alkaloids Containing Quinolinequinone and Quinolinequinoneimine Units”,T. Ozturk, The Alkaloids, G. A. Cordell, Ed., Academic Press, San Diego, 1997, Vol 49, Chapter 2, p 79-219.
2 – “Alkaloids Containing an Isoquinolinequinone Unit”, T. Ozturk, The Alkaloids, G. A. Cordell, Ed., Academic Press, Academic Press, San Diego, 2000, Vol. 53, Chapter 3, p 119-238.
3- “Fused Thiophenes and Some Oligomers and Polymers Therefrom”, Mehmet Emin Cinar and Turan Ozturk, Ed. John Joule, Thiophenes, Springer, “Top. Heterocycl. Chem.” 2015, 39, 161-202.
4- “Thiophene-Based Organic Semiconductors”, Gulsen Turkoglu,M. Emin Cinar, Turan Ozturk, Topics in Current Chemistry, 2017, 375, 84 – 129.
5- (Invited) “1,3-Dithioles”, Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry IV. 2022, vol. 4, pp. 834-994. Oxford: Elsevier.
1- “A New Potential Organic Superconductor and Its Photoemission Property”, T. Ozturk, S. Içli, H. Icil, K. Gunaydin, TR 741/97, 20/02/1997.
2 – “The Synthesis of Extended Bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene Derivatives and Their Dihydroxyl Analogues”, T. Ozturk, F. Turksoy, J. D. Wallis, U. Tunca, PCT/TR 99/00050.
3- “Purification of Phosphorus Decasulfide (P4S10)”, Erdal Ertas, Ipek Osken, Turan Ozturk, WO2015186055A1
4- “Fluorophore 3-hydroxyflavone”, T. Ozturk, M. S. Eroglu, A. Capan, M. Akgoz, PCT/IB2013/059252, WO2015/032187 A1
5- “Poly(thienothiophenylborane)s and poly(dithienothiophenylborane)s for white light emitting diodes”, Turan Ozturk, Emine Tekin, Onur Sahin, Emine Billur Sevinis, Mehmet S. Eroglu, Ahmet C. Goren, Mehmet E. Cinar, Gülşen Turkoglu PCT/IB2013/058311, WO2015/032187 A1
6- “Thienothiophene and dithienothiophene – boron (donor-acceptor) based materials for organic light emitting diodes” T. Ozturk, A. Buyruk, G. Turkoglu, E. Tekin, S. Piravadili, M. E. Cinar, A. C. Goren, PCT Patent, WO2016/132180 A1
7- “Thienothiophene/dithienothiophene – triphenylamine/tetraphenylethylene derivatives for organic light emitting diodes”, T. Ozturk, A. Buyruk, E. Tekin, S. P. Mucur, A. C. Goren, PCT Patent, WO 2016/132179 A1
8- “Poly(thienothiophenylborane)s and poly(dithienothiophenylborane)s for white light emitting diodes”, Ozturk; Turan (Istanbul, TR), Tekin; Emine (Kocaeli, TR), Onur; Sahin (Istanbul, TR), Sevinis; Emine Billur (Istanbul, TR), Eroglu; Mehmet Sayip (Istanbul, TR), Goren; Ahmet Ceyhan(Kocaeli, TR), Cinar; Mehmet Emin (Istanbul, TR), Turkoglu; Gulsen (Istanbul, TR), US 9,944,761.
9- “Thienothiophene/dithienothiophene – triphenylamine/tetraphenylethylene derivatives for organic light emitting diodes”, ozturk; turan; (istanbul, tr) ; buyruk; ali; (istanbul, tr) ; tekin; emine; (kocaeli, tr) ; piravidili mucur; selin; (kocaeli, tr) ; goren; ahmet ceylan; (kocaeli, tr), US20180093996.
10- “Purification of phosphorus decasulfide (P4S10)”, Ertaş, Erdal; Öztürk, Turan; Ösken, Ipek (TUBITAK), US9884764.
11- “Thienothiophene – boron (donor-acceptor) based materials for organic light emitting diodes”, OZTURK; Turan; (Istanbul, TR) ; TEKIN; Emine; (Kocaeli, TR) ; PIRAVIDILI MUCUR; Selin; (Kocaeli, TR) ; GOREN; Ahmet Ceylan; (Kocaeli, TR) ; TURKOGLU; Gulsen; (Istanbul, TR) ; CINAR; Mehmet Emin; (Istanbul, TR) ; BUYRUK; Ali; (Istanbul, TR), US20180030069.
12- “Thienothiophene/dithienothiophene – triphenylamine/tetraphenylethylene derivatives for organic light emitting diodes”, öztürk turan [tr]; buyruk ali [tr]; tekin emine [tr]; piravidili mucur selin [tr]; gören ahmet ceylan [tr], EP3271364.
13- Prebiyotik Saç Bakım Preparatları için Sakkarit, Oligosakkarit, Polisakkarit ve Şeker Alkollerinin Dörtlü Ammonyum Tuzları”, Turkish patent, applied.
14- EP00000304184881
15- EP3148929
16- “Poly(thienothiophenylborane)s and poly(dithienothiophenylborane)s for white light emitting diodes”, Turan Öztürk,Emine Tekin,Onur Sahin,Emine Billur Sevinis,Mehmet S Eroglu,Ahmet C Gören,Mehmet E. Çınar,Gülsen Türkoglu, EP 3 041 848 B1
17- “Thienothiophene/dithienothiophene -triphenylamine/tetraphenylethylene derivatives for organic light emitting diodes”, Turan Öztürk, Ali Buyruk, Emine Tekin, Selin Piravadili Mucur, Ahmet Ceylan Gören, JP6659731
1- 27th International Symposium on Organic Chemistry of Sulfur (ISOCS 27), “From fundamental research to application” 24–29.07.2016 – Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany
2- 21st INTERNATIONAL & 33rd NATIONAL CONFERENCE on Chemical Sciences; Technology, Innovation & Sustainability, 23-25 October 2023 Islamabad, Pakistan, Department of Chemistry, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, PAKISTAN
Invited and Key Note
22- IX Polymer Science and Technology Congress with International Paticipation, T. Ozturk, 16-18 September 2024, METU, Ankara
21- “Thienothiophenes and Dithienothiophenes in Organic Materials Chemistry”, T. Ozturk, 35. Ulusal Kimya Konferansı; Diyarbakır, Dicle Univ., İnönü Univ., 9-12 Eylül, 2024
20- (Key Note) “Thienothiophenes and Dithienothiophenes for Organic Electronics and Optoelectronics”, T. Ozturk, 6th International Conference; Scientific Outlook of Suatainable Development Goals (IC-SOSDG-2024), Women University Mardan, The Margala Hotel, Islamabad, Pakistan, 15-16 January 2024.
19- (Key Note) “Easy Modifications of Thienothiophene and Dithienothiophene for Multiple Applications in Organic Material Chemistry; Recent Advances”, T. Ozturk,19. Asian Chemical Congress “https://acc2023.org, 9-14 July 2023, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
18- “Thienothiophenes and Dithienothiophenes for Electronic Applications”, T. Ozturk, 17-22 Temmuz 2022, International Conference on the Science and Technology of Synthetic Materials (ICSM), Glasgow, İngiltere
17- “Thienothiophenes and Dithienothiophenes; Syntheses and Some Applications”, T. Ozturk, 30 January 2020, Chalmers Univ. of Tech. Gothenburg, Sweden.
16- “Synthesis and Electronic Properties of Thienothiophene and Dithienothiophene Based Organic Materials”, T. Ozturk, International Conference on Chemical Physics and Materials Science, 8-10 July 2019, Ramada Encore Istanbul Airport Hotel, Istanbul Turkey.
15- “Synthesis and Properties of Polythienothiophene and Dithienothiophene Posessing Pendant Alkyl and Triphenylamine Groups”, T. Ozturk, International Workshop on Electrochemistry of Electroactive Materials (WEEM-2019) 16 – 21 June 2019, Borovets Resort, Bulgaria.
14- “Thiophene based small and polymeric materials; design, synthesis and applications”, T. Ozturk, Organic Electronic Workshop, 2018 Amasya, Turkey
13- “An Odyssey of 1,8-Diketone Ring Formation Reactions”, T. Ozturk, 4. Organic Chemsitry Conference, 4-8 October 2018, Side-Antalya, Turkey
12- “Syntheses and Properties of Thienothiophenes (TT) and Dithienothiophenes (DTT)”, T. Ozturk, Nanjing University, 25-27 August 2017, Invited by Prof Shouyun Yu
11- “Syntheses and Properties of Thienothiophenes (TT) and Dithienothiophenes (DTT)”, T. Ozturk, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Green Chemistry and Chemical Process East China Normal University, 22-24 August 2017, Invited by Prof Xuefeng Jiang
10- 81st Prague Meetings on Macromolecules (PMM): Polymers andOrganic Materials for Electronics and Photonics: Science for Applications”, T. Ozturk, 10-14 September 2017, Prague
9- “Elektronik ve Optoelektronik Uygulamalar için Organik Materyallerin Sentezleri ve Özellikleri”, Turan Öztürk, Ulusal Organik Kimya Kongresi (Orgkon 2016), Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Trabzon, Turkey
8- “Thienothiophene (TT) and Dithienothiophene (DTT) Heterocycles”, Turan Ozturk,
FloHet-2016, Florida Heterocyclic & Synthetic IUPAC-Sponsored Conference, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA. Feb. 28 to March 2, 2016
7- “Thienothiophene (TT) and Dithienothiophene (DTT) Materials”, Turan Ozturk, International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Processes Energy Applications, 20 – 24 April, 2016 Istanbul, Turkey.
6- “Syntheses and Applications of Thienothiophene and
Dithienothiophene Heterocycles”, Trans Mediterranean Colloquium on Heterocyclic Chemistry, TRAMECH VIII, 11 – 15 November 2015, Antalya, Turkey
5- “Recent Synthetic Developments and Applications on Thienothiophenes and Dithienothiophenes”, T. Ozturk, 2015 International Conference on Organic Chemistry, June 12 – 14, Suzhou, China.
4- “Tiyenotiyofen ve Ditiyenotiyofen İçeren Organik Materyaller” 24 – 26 Eylül, 2014, Bilkent Üniversitesi, Ankara.
3- “Use of Berzellus and Lawesson Reagents in Organic Syntheses” and “Fused Thiophenes; Dithienothiophenes and Thienothiophenes “, T. Ozturk, March 13, 14, 2014, Univ. of Chiba, Japan (http://chem.tf.chiba-u.jp/gacb08/seminar.html), Invited by Prof Takashi Karatsu
2- “Dithenothiophenes (DTT) and Thienothiophenes (TT)”, T. Ozturk, ISOCS-25, Czestochowa, Poland, June 24-29, 2012.
1- “Synthesis of Fused 1,4-Dithiin and Thiophene Rings Through 1,8-Diketone Ring Formation Reaction using Lawesson’s Reagent and P4S10” International Conference on Organic Chemistry (ICOC), Atatürk Üniversitesi, Erzurum, 05-09 Haziran 2007.
The link below contains CV of Turan Ozturk as a file: